Thursday, November 11, 2010

Up Late

Well, we're up late tonight.  The stuff dripping down the back of Andy's throat kept him from sleeping last night, so the plan tonight is to stay awake until his body is so tired that it does not mentally register the dripping, thus allowing him to sleep.  I am also awake out of sympathy and  partially powered by caffeinated tea (apple cinnamon-hi Vanessa!) and Oreos.  Yup, I sunk to Oreos.  It's because I already made those no-bake cookies today, which I admit that 1) I ate them all earlier today 2) I never actually formed the "dough" into cookies (not today or any time in the past few weeks).

We are on approximately page 335 of over 800 of Harry Potter.  I say approximately because Andy and I sometimes have to read on separate computers and that's our median page number.  Oh wait, I didn't mention that we're reading a downloaded pdf off the internet?  Free book, bad translation anyone?  But we tend to read at different paces and to look up different words (okay, we've only looked up a combined total of maybe five words so far purely out of laziness, plus our dictionaries, even the ones online, don't have an extensive magic vocabulary.)  Also, my attention span, not as committed as Andy's, so I like being able to take internet breaks and search food blogs.

I really began this post with the intention of telling you more about our time at the orphanage, because it seems you may be curious about that since it is the main purpose of our time here.  Yet, it's 12:30 am and as you can probably tell, I'm a little loopy.  Therefore, I plan to elucidate on that point later, so hang tight, or loose, whatever you prefer.

1 comment:

  1. i have been sitting on my couch marathoning Harry Potter movies (on TV right now) since 11am-ish this morning. It is now 7:30pm. My eyes don't work anymore.

    That is all.
