Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not bad, but certainly mischievous

Oh man.  Our time at the orphanage today resulted in a moment when Andy and I looked at each other and thought, "What are we doing here?"  and then we forwent our Spanish attempts and broke out in English, "What are we supposed to do?"

Today's walk was particularly miserable with a bit more heat and a lot more wind.  Andy's eyes have been bothering him every since.  Yet, it wasn't the walk that left us completely dumbfounded.  Rather, we arrived at the orphanage and the tias (Spanish for aunts, but that's what the women who work at the orphanage are called) told us it was time to do the kids homework which was what we have been planning to assist with.  Then a couple of the older girls took my hand to show me something and led me from the boys cabin to the girls cabin where they tried to lock me in the building--twice.  Fast forward two hours later, the girls have been running around inside, jumping on beds, arguing, and bargaining, because guess why?  Only the two oldest had any homework.  Thankfully, the psychologist arrived to take one of the younger girls, and I followed them out of the building and in terrible Spanish managed to interrupt the director's meeting where the tias were and to obtain the key to get into the boys cabin.

I unlocked the door and was immediately met by Andy who frantically asked, "How did I end up alone for the past two hours?"  Apparently, Andy had the worst end of things.  His crew, of which only two of them had homework, (which involved Andy coloring twelve computers for an hour and a half), involved an older boy incessantly shooting a sling shot at the deaf/mute girl among other fun incidences in which all Andy could manage in Spanish, to no avail was, "Stop!"  No sooner had I gotten there, then four of the boys went into the kitchen and stole matches.  Then, they proceeded to spray an aerosol can and light the spray on fire, which, as anyone whose seen some action movies, produces an enormous flame.  It got scary when they pointed the can at Andy and started spraying it.  Now mind you, those involved in these actions were the non-special needs kids (or at least in the way of physical or mental handicap), yet there was an older special needs individual who was going crazy over the boys going into the kitchen and about what was going on.  I had to go fetch a tia from the meeting.  After she had made the boys sweep the floor as punishment, she looked at us and said in Spanish, "They're not mischievous boys."

B.S. is all that came to mind.

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