Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How 'bout that weather?

The weather here has been roughly seventy degrees and sunny for the past three weeks.  Until, you will recall, Saturday's rain that skipped over Sunday, plummeted down on Monday, and yesterday, caused a power outage.

Now first things first.  For those crying, "Seventy and sunny?  That's my favorite combination!"  Just stop.  Consider the following.  The heat and necessary sun screen applications wouldn't be so bad if we could wear shorts, but we can't.  One, because we don't have any shorts with us, and two, they're not socially acceptable (hence us not bringing any).  Thus, us having to hoof it to orphanage alongside a hot and dusty highway, not fun.  More importantly, we're talking about a guy from Montana and a girl from Connecticut (both states considered Northern) who have spent the last four years in New Hampshire (also considered Northern).  So, the little thing called seasons, the two of which many of you are currently living through, that would be fall and the pending winter, are near and dear to our hearts, not to mention our personal thermostats and wool sweaters.

So, despite the fact that we got caught in the rain on Saturday and Monday, without any form of outer layer, we were quite taken with the change in temperature and the increased cloud coverage.  Even yesterday when I opened the refrigerator to take out cookie dough and noticed the light in the fridge did not go on when the door was open, and when I tried the kitchen light, no go, the wet weather was a welcome change.  It was about this time that the rain hammered the street, the wind wrestled the metal television antennas on top of the adjacent apartment complex, the clothes left out on the line began a second cycle, lightening creased the sky, and the thunder made us realize that perhaps walking to the bus stop, enduring the ride, and walking along a highway in this weather for over twenty minutes was not in our best interest.  We stayed put, saved our computers, put our sweatpants back on (we take it up a notch for the orphanage and rock our jeans), and while Andy read, I sat at the window watching the storm unfold on our street.

Wonders of wonders, the electricity returned a few hours later.  We happily enjoyed not dining in darkness and the return of our access to the internet.  Today, the streets remain wet but our rain clouds have deserted the sky.  I eagerly await their return.

1 comment:

  1. Consider the prospect of attaining an umbrella from the American Red Cross or similar humanitarian organization. It might be useful both for the intense sun light AND the rain:)! Love you both! XO XO Dad
