Sunday, November 14, 2010

Uneventful Events

Good news! Andy made it out of bed long enough to go to the grocery store, and not just the local Micro Mercado or even the mid-size spot we found, but Mega Maxi, you know, the Walmart-like-place that I think I failed to mention is within the only mall in Ambato, Mall of the Andes, which adds a certain something to the traffic dimension around the joint.  Most importantly, we now have three boxes of whole milk, one bag of cream (I know right, a bag?), and two mounds of butter.  In short, the necessities. 

Of course, right before we left for the store I said, "It looks like it's going to rain."  But, did that spur us to grab a rain coat or layer?  Absolutely not.  Thus, while we flagged down a bus that glanced at us and zoomed right by, it began to rain.  A little dribble-drabble until it started pittering and pattering and ultimately, it rained so hard that it transitioned from background noise to a full-on onslaught of precipitation.  We hid under an overhang and eventually caught a cab.

As you can tell, it was a highly eventful day yesterday. 

This morning we went to church.  We left two and a half hours later.  I know what you're thinking: but I managed to stay within the same two foot radius for two and a half hours, while Andy obviously had no problem with the movement constraints.  Oh, that wasn't what you were thinking? You were thinking, "Good heavens, a two and half hour church service?"  Don't worry, we were thinking that too.  But all in all, it was just fine.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you and Andy are cranking out gospel tunes at church.
