Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We Got Caught Up

It's been a little while, we got caught up in the sixth Harry Potter book, Harry Potter y el misterio del principe.  And by got caught up in, I mean we finished all 430 pages in practically four days.

Furthermore, our weekend was fairly uneventful.  Exhausted by the prospect of having to go to MegaMaxi, have I made the following analogy yet?  It's like going to Walmart on the weekend, spending an hour and half there, yet everything you look and hear is in a foreign language, and oh yeah, you don't have a car to carry everything home.  But instead, you must let the person who packs your bags push your cart to an elevator where you inevitably wait with a crowd of people and carts, until the elevator finally arrives to bring you down to the inside of a parking garage where you must then wait for a taxi (with the bag packer and cart) until a taxi arrives.  Then, you must tip the bag packer and direct the taxi driver as he navigates an enormous crowd of people and vehicles.  Thus, when we noticed on our bus ride home from the orphanage that there was another grocery store about 10-15 minutes away on a nicer walking road, we gave it a try.  It was all in all pretty successful.  Their selection of food and items indicated their much smaller size, but we basically got everything we needed, and rejoiced in the fact that we would not spend the rest of the day recuperating from our shopping trip.

Alas, we only made it until Tuesday night until we said, "We need to go to MegaMaxi for a few things (namely a large bag of oats, butter, which, already pricey, was more so in the smaller store, and that's all I remember.)

However, on Tuesday Andy started to feel gunk dripping down his throat and woke up this morning feeling bad.  And so began the day of Andy reading in bed with a constant supply of tea while I decided to use the time to do laundry (well, that was more of a necessity), sweep and mop the kitchen floor, and thoroughly clean every inch of the kitchen--including the stove top!  I then experimented with a lentil stew, made no-bake cookies (without cocoa, it's basically brown sugar, butter, milk, oats), and made spaghetti and meat balls for dinner!

Now, Andy is thoroughly engrossed in the final Harry Potter book, and I'm about to join him, which means, we'll talk to you in a few days.  :)

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